How many shareholders does Trifast have and who are the major shareholders?
Please read more on our Investor profile page.
Please read more on our Investor profile page.
Share certificates record your share ownership. Your share certificate has your account number on it, which should be quoted during any correspondence with either Trifast or the Company's Registrars. It also displays the certificate number and the number of shares covered by the certificate.
The Registrar has a record of your personal details along with the number of shares you own. If you lose your certificate then the Registrar can arrange for a duplicate certificate to be issued. There may be a charge for this depending on the value of the shares represented by the lost certificate.
If you move house then you should write to the Registrar with details of your old and new addresses and your Trifast account number.
If you have changed your name then you should notify the Registrar sending a copy of your marriage certificate or change of name deed.
If the shares were held in the sole name of the deceased, the personal representative(s) of the deceased will have to produce to the Registrar a sealed copy of the grant of representation authorising them to deal with the deceased's estate. This might be a Grant of Probate, a Grant of Letters of Administration or (in Scotland) a Grant of Confirmation.
The names of the personal representative(s) of the deceased can then be put on the register.
If the shares were held jointly, the Registrar will remove the deceased's name from the register on receipt of a copy of the death certificate.
However, where the value of assets in the estate is less than £5,000, a special small estates procedure may sometimes be adopted.
You have to buy shares through a stockbroker who is authorised to buy and sell shares on behalf of investors. Commission is also charged on these transactions and these charges can be compared by using a comparison website such as:
To locate a stockbroker, use the London Stock Exchanges's 'locate a broker' service to select one that meets your needs.
Computershare shareholder services:
Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers (APCIMS) Pro Share Investment Clubs:
Personal Finance Society:
Most investors use a stockbroker, bank or building society when selling shares, for which a commission maybe charged.
If the buyer and seller are in agreement then they can transfer shares off the market using a Stock Transfer Form obtainable from the Registrar electronically by visiting their website and from most legal stationers.
This must be sent to the Registrar with your share certificate.
A dividend represents the return on a share and is subject to income tax. Dividends are usually paid twice a year to shareholders. Dividend details form part of a company's half year and final results announcement. The level of dividend paid at the half year is as recommended by its Board whereas the final dividend is subject to shareholder approval at an Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The dividend yield of any company is an indicator of performance and this is linked to the profit levels and growth profile of a business. The amount of a dividend is set by the Directors prior to announcing half-yearly and full year results.
Shareholders qualify for a dividend payment and this will depend on the number of shares held in a particular Company and indeed dependent on what type of shares they are (check with your IFA). To qualify for a dividend, investors need to own shares and be on the shareholder Register at the Record date which is normally two business days prior to the ex-dividend date. Investors should refer to the information contained in a Company's 'financial statements - dividends' for the period in question or obtain the information from their IFA.
Currently the Group does not hold any shares in Treasury.
Currently, no share buybacks have been made in the financial period.
Ordinary shares and the total in issue can be found on the Investor profile page:
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the highest decision-making body of a plc at which shareholders can exercise their rights to ask questions and to vote. Each shareholder is entitled to participate in the AGM in person or be represented by a proxy. Participation is conditional on the stockholder presenting a record of share ownership at the record date and registering in good time.
The AGM is held annually for shareholders, all of whom are invited to attend, regardless of the number of shares they own.
It is an opportunity to meet the Directors and staff as well as putting questions to them and visiting the operations.
Notice of Meeting can be found under AGM/GM Information:
A voting right is acquired when shares are purchased in a Company unless otherwise stated and all shareholders are entitled to exercise their voting rights.
The voting right gives a shareholder the opportunity to take part in the voting process on items on the agenda at Company Meetings such as an AGM or EGM.
However, by issuing a proxy authorisation, stockholders may also assign their voting rights to third parties, in particular to their depositary bank, a stockholders' association or proxies nominated by the Company.
According to the Articles of Association of the Company, each share of share grants one vote at the AGM.
Articles of Association can be found under Shareholder meetings:
Total Voting Rights can be monitored via the RNS: